Hollyhock Road

Saturday, 3 September 2011

If I don't laugh I'll cry ,.,.

Helloooo ,.,.I went to hospital on Thursday and while I'm their a consultant comes and has a look at my sore on my hip,.the district nurses have been treating the funny coloured stuff in the middle of it as dead tissue for the last 6 weeks,I've had maggots on it which escaped in my bed and freaked my head out so anyway the consultant said it was a layer of tissue,fibrous tissue which means I've been pissed about for the last 6 weeks for nothing but nobody has the balls to put their hands up and say sorry,I was wrong it's not them suffering so nobody cares and they go home at night I'm left with it,.,.
On the way home the Ambulance broke down,I kid you not,that was the icing on a very big shitty cake,so I'm stuck on a little poxy stretcher on the side of a very busy road,A5,for about an hour,I finally get home after a frustrating day,.,.what next in "The Phillips Saga" ,.,.watch this space ,.,.

1 comment:

  1. What a bloody nightmare. I hope your hip starts to heal now they are hopefully treating it correctly.
