Hollyhock Road

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Just a little about me

Back again to tell you more about my experience of being paralysed.with my level of injury not all the muscles work in my arms,I remember I had 2 bolts screwed into my temples with weights on the back of the bed to keep my neck straight and to let it heal,Id never experienced that level of pain,the cleaners used to bang the weights at times,the language from my bed was very colourful to say the least.three months I stayed like that,staring at the ceiling for one month I was completely paralysed but thank someone up there, down there my arms slowly began to move. But no hand /finger movement that hurt more than never ever walking again.Everybody who. Came to see me seemed to know or heard about someone who ended up walking or I'd hear that I had to believe,want it,blah blah enough,it drove me mad,when the. Day came that the bolts came out of my head,a consultant walked behind my bed and just unscrewed them to delight,the pain was out of this world but I was free from my shackles.when i tried to lit my arms in the air they would collapse and hit me in the face,i found out that i haven't any Triceps that worked,deep joy i thought can it get any worse then i sneezed and it was a tiny little pathetic ACHOO that was the icing on the this new life of mine,after a few x-rays to make my neck was stabilised it was time to get up into a wheelchair they hoisted me out of bed in a sling,i absolutely hated it,i felt like a piece of meat at a butchers anyway down into the char i went and within 2 minuets of being up id passed out,they tip you back to get the blood back into your head

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