Hollyhock Road

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

I've kicked them out ,.,.,.,.,

Well my little friends have gone home now,.,.My wound is looking a lot cleaner and I'm having another treatment of the greedy little monsters on Friday .,then that should give me a good chance of it finally healing once and for all...Had a nice Chinese last night with some friends...I was having a wash this morning and I thought the maggots had escaped but it was a couple of grains of rice in my bed...I'm off to hospital tomorrow....I think a little snooze is in order.,.,. Peace & Love


  1. Ha ha! You do make me smile... Good luck at hospital tomorro . F x

  2. Good luck for tomorrow.

  3. U daft bat ... Laughed my head off. Watch out for green bottle flies (if one escaped it could hatch - rice won't hatch though) lol lol lol
