Hollyhock Road

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Long time no scribe

Well it's been a while my friends,.,.these last 3-4 weeks haven't been to pleasant to me,.,. I had the Flu jab then 2days later I was ill as anything,,I'm not saying it was the Jab but it's a strange one,.,.my temperature was going sky high,I was cold/hot and I hate being ill then I got an UTI which knocked me for 6 but I'm finally on the road to wherever it goes,.,.I'm still waiting for an appointment for surgery on my hip and I'm waiting for a cytoscopy very soon,,I'm 3 yrs overdue,I've nothing but let downs and even people saying " oh,I'm sorry I forgot" ,.,.,.living on your own is hard at times never Mind being paralyzed ,it makes my life very hard especially when I'm stuck in bed and want something but I can't get it as I'm to ill anyway my friends I'm back to my jolly old self,.,.ho ho ,.,.,.,.
Peace & Love. ,.,.,.